Watch the Training sessions for women replays on You Tube !

The European Bridge League provides women’s players with online training WBC 2024 - 2opportunity to improve their game under the guidance of some of Europe’s best bridge experts.

“In each session each team play 3 sessions of 5 boards each,  a total of 15 boardsAt the end of the game, players are automatically transferred to  the RealBridge “Classroom” where they meet the coach for a 1 hour session in which they can  enjoy tips, tricks, hand analysis and much more.”

Training sessions replay can be watched on You Tube
sphia_baldyszOn May 8th, 2024, the polish champion, Sophia Baldysz (see her palmares) conducted the 3rd training session

Replay with Sophia Baldysz on You Tube
Replay with David Gold on You Tube
Replay with Gorgia Botta on You Tube

Site de l’entrainement en ligne
Facebook Women’Bridge

Contact : French coordinator

Next session, 12th june avec Pierre Schmidt