
Bridge psychology  The Mental Game Focus Concentration Sexism in  Bridge Being Prepared Facteur Chance Psychology of winning



Books on psychology and psyches on Bridge Hands
On Playing Bridge by Henry Link PDF
Principles of Bridge and Life by Dr Bradley Lehman
Le bridge analytique : le psychanalyste et le jeu du mort
Lacan convoque une autre métaphore célèbre pour définir la position de l’analyste: le jeu de bridge
Bridge Tactics and psychology by Victor Champion


Intimidation by Bob Crosby
Bridge Ego’s by Bob Crosby
Types of errors by Robert Frick
Experts errors by Fred Gitelman
Dealing with unforced errors  par Tihana Brkljacic
Getting Along with Your Frustration, Anger, Guilt but Not Letting Them Ruin Your Bridge Game
by Robert Frick
Redouble is a Macho Thing by Marilyn Hemenway
Keeping your sense of Humour Marilyn Hemenway
La Mauvaise foi  et ses conséquences par Jacques Sélamé  Bulletin du Festival de Juan les Pins
Lettre d’espoir aux joueurs fautifs par Frédéric Ledan
A la recherche de sensations fortes à la table par Tihana Brkljacic

Highs and Lows

If you can meet with triumph and disasters by Linda Lee 
Disaster Strikes by Kevin Fay on Bridgewinners
The Kobayashi Maru by Cam French or how to cope with adversity
Momentum by Matt Mallumphy
Regardez en arrière sans colère par Lynn Berg
The Big Cat with 99 lives by Bernard Marcoux
Beetween the thumb and the index by Bernard Marcoux
There is no crying in bridge   by Marilyn Hemenway
Post Tourney Blues    by Marilyn Hemenway
Victim, idiot or What   by Marilyn Hemenway
Leçons de vie tirées à la table de bridge par Tihana Brkljacic

Six steps to fixing a slump by Larry Cohen
Funks and slumps by Tommy Solberg 
Winsome and loathsome , Tales of the trail by Zekke Jabour
States of mind and Bridge play by Jim Coyne

Men/ Women

A Biobehavioral Look at Sex Differences in Bridge by John J Furedy , emeritus professor of psychology, Toronto University
Rogers, A., Snellgrove, M.L. and Punch, S. (2022) ‘Between Equality and Discrimination: The Paradox of the Women’s Game in the Mind-sport Bridge,’ World Leisure Journal.
Summary on the paradox of women’s bridge
discusses the existence of women’s events in bridge, and how the women’s game can be viewed as both hindering women’s progression in the game whilst also providing opportunities for women to compete internationally.
Summary on the process of doing research on gender and bridge.
Neurosexism in bridge by Samatha Punch
From bridge to chess, why men outperform women at ‘mindsports’ – and what to do about it

Empowering women in bridge ; Gender segregated tournaments by Samantha Punch
Bridging brains: exploring neurosexism and gendered stereotypes in a mindsport S. Punch
Are men better bridge players? see chapter 34 in Nicolas Hammond ‘s book ” Detecting cheating in bridge”
L’intelligence du Bridge est-elle identique chez les hommes et chez les femmes ?Polémiques par Philippe Toffier Le Bridgeur 15 avril 2004
Le Bridge au féminin, par Marie Sarah Bouleau sur le Blog de Funbridge
Entraînement en ligne pour les femmes, initiative du Women’s Bridge Committee (EBL)
Gender bases events need to die, debate on Bridgewinners
Women are as good at Bridge as men by Ian Payn and Frances Hinden, Debate
Why do women play bridge worse than men by Linda Lee
Risk taking and Gender by Dr Arnon Perry Center for Academic studies 
Women in the bridge World by Marilyn Hemenway 
Sexism and Physiology in Bridge by Peg Kaplan
Sexism in Bridge by Justin Lall
Bridge Mates par Sue Munday

Playing with your husband ? Would you ever by Linda Lee 
Martels proves Bridge and Marriage can Mix by Karen Walker PDF
Husband and Wife bridge by Kitty Cooper

Table Feel
Principles of Bridge and Life by Dr Bradley Lehman
Table Feel by Karen McCallum
Part 1-2  3-4   5-6  7-8  9-10
Table Feel by Jennifer Jones on JennBridge
Skill preferred, but luck is more than welcome 
Is there anaything as Luck in duplicate bridge ? by Zia Mahmood 
The 25% syndrome or the little devils by Bernard Marcoux
Would you rather be Lucky or Good or Winning is all that matters by Fred Gitelman page 11
Bridge and superstition by Piedro Campanile PDF
It’s All in the Stars or the Astrological guide to Bridge players by Lizzie Laroche PDF 
Bridge and Kabbalah, who deals the cards by Pamela Granovetter
Bridge Player

Patosociologie du Bridge par Jean Pierre Rocafort
Sociology du Bridge
Playing Your Life: Developing Strategies and Managing Impressions in the Game of Bridge by Samantha Punch
This article is part of a wider research project Bridge: A MindSport for All (BAMSA) that is contributing to the establishment of the sociology of mind-sport. The project aims to engage a younger generation of players about the positive and lifelong benefits found in a mind-sport such as bridge

Le comportement du joueur de Bridge par Alain Gottcheiner
Bridge et psychopathologie par Joel Steinmetz
What Brown did for me by Leah Jay or how I became a life master PDF
Quel genre de Bridgeur êtes vous ? Test et réponses  par Jacques Sélamé publié dans le Bulletin du Festival de Juan les Pins
Cognition et Bridge, enquête pour déterminer votre profil de bridgeur comparé à 5 champions
voilà le résultat de mon profil  !


Be Prepared

How to Maximize your chances of winning by Karen Thomas McCallum 
Devenez 1ère série, améliorez votre mental au Brige.résumé du livre de Patrick Burtin par Charles Colonna
Be prepared by Linda Lee -Membre de l’équipe féminine du Canada
A quoi sert la préparation mentale au bridge  par François Fel
The art of becoming a Top player  by Samantha Punch et Tim Rees

 Professor Samantha Punch

Elite Bridge Players: Skills and Strategies Punch S, and Snellgrove, M (2020)
The level of competition by Bob Crosby 
Mind Sport and the Next Board by Glen Ashton
Bridge as a mind sport for all by Research Outreach 
Bulldogs win again by Pamela Granovetter
Contract Bridge and Senior Citizens, from Entertainment to Competition – Tihana Brkljačić
Evaluation des performances par Jean Pierre Rocafort
Butler corrigé par Jean Pierre Rocafort
An Elo rating system for Bridge by Ping Yu
Partners and winning at bridge by Ron Klinger PDF
Partenariat-Partnership on Clairebridge
Back to Basics or mental preparation before competition by Justin Lall , World Youth Champion
Hard Work by Justin Lall

Bridge and Sports psychology 2010 by Linda Lee 
Et si jouer au Bridge aidait à se prémunir des maladies ? sur USF Bridge 
Study suggests contract bridge enhances the immune system by Robert Sanders
The difference between winning and losing by Peter Gill

I Love the Winning by Linda Lee
Video Benefits of Bridge