Pourquoi jouer au Bridge ? L’amour et la passion du bridge. Pas de Barrière d’âge au Bridge.
Why Bridge ?
Toutes les raisons de se mettre au Bridge – Dossier Presse 2022 FFB
Why Play Bridge on BridgeHands
Why Play Bridge on Bridge World
What is Bridge , I love Bridge on WBF
Why do you play bridge by Martin Mac Donald published in the Kibitzer on line 2003
The Game that Trumps all others by Alexander Mc Call Smith
Génération Bridge, à vous de jouer dossier réalisé par la FFB
The Most Beautiful Game by Bernard Marcoux
Le plus beau jeu par Bernard Marcoux
Le ciel du Bridge par Bernard Marcoux
Philosophy in the boudoir
Focus sur le Bridge par Philippe Cronier
8 Reasons to play Bridge by Pamela Granovetter
Bridge is one of the most fruitfuldisciplines in acquiring unselfish habits and desirable personality traits by Henry C. Link, Psychologist
Individual Wellbeing and Bridge – An Empirical Analysis
Must read Bridge studies
How I like to Play bridge by Somerset Maugham
Bridge on US News
Bridge in the internet, I love you too, Claire by Linda Lee
Messieurs les stratèges, initiez vous au Bridge, Article de linternaute septembre 2008
Portrait type du bridgeur aujourd’hui
Analyse du bridge français, intobridge
Le Bridge, c’est sportif Article des Echos février 2017
Le Bridge, Au bonheur des donnes, article de Claude Barjon Les Echos 1998
Le Bridge se démocratise Article de La Croix octobre 2011
Vices et vertus du Bridge, Article de l’Express décembre 2000
Bridge and its Benefits to Society
Bridge an avalanche of pleasure
Handi Bridge Article de l’Echo Républicain septembre 2017
Aveugle, il mémorise toutes les cartes au Bridge
Clichés sur le Bridge par Abou Antoun
Keep Bridge alive campaign by Samantha Punch University of Stirling
“Little irrirations of a mind over-crowded with anarchy. For bridge has a purpose, that of taking as many tricks as possible. The end is clear and very simple. But nothing in the lives of bridge-players is clean-cut, and no ends are defined. And so they retire into some orderly process, even in a game, from messy complication of their lives”
Extract from The Log from the Sea of Cortez by John Steinbeck
L’amour du Bridge
Le Jeu des Familles, la famille Bridge par Gloria Gufflet
The family of bridge by Sarah Teshome
Magie des Mots. Initiation au monde des tournois par Claire Martel
What Bridge has done for me from abclunit390
Love of the Game by Justin Lall
Is Bridge a good hobby ? by Andre Asbury
Ode to Bridge by Evan Sachs
What is this Thing called Bridge by Judy Kay-Wolff
Je ne me lasse pas du Bridge, le roi des jeux
Pensées de Bridge Claire Martel
Hold on tight by Jan Stewart
Passion for Bridge
My Bridge Addiction by Debbie Buckley
Bridge Addict by Harold Pendergast
Relatives of Bridge Players Anonymous: a confession by Janice Arenofsky published in NABC Bulletin
Bridge is a highly contagious, progressive and incurable disease by Roger Bielawski .
No age barrier at bridge
Shivam Shah wins two medals in Lyon en 2017
Zach Garrison, 9 years old, youngest Life Master
For students raised on Ipod, lessons in bridge
Age no barrier to new champion, Marshall Miles on The new seniors by Peggy Kaplan
Jessel Rothfield (92 ans et 50 ans de bridge) was recently appointed to the ABF’s Committee of Honour. Read her acceptance speech and her words about bridge
Using cards and Board Games to keep mind sharp, a New York Times article, december 2015
Bridge 60+ – Marek Malysa
Bridge and elderly a successful project in The Netherlands – Eric Laurant
Le Bridge D’Jeun
Argumentaire en faveur du bridge, par Michel Heger
Playing Bridge help students score in math on North County Times
Recruitement of juniors by Micke Melander
Being a youth bridge coach
Bridge a path to Match A nine week middle school curriculum for beggining players and their teachers by John Hassett
Video de la Coupe Epsilon associant un joueur de moins de 30 ans à un joueur de plus de 30 ans.
Bridge , l’atout jeunes par Florence Halimi
Quai des Jeunes Bridgeurs à Lyon
Site de la Fédération mondiale pour les jeunes
Les colonies de Vacances Bridge
Collégiens et champions de France de Bridge, Dossier FFB
le bridge présenté dans la rubrique sport de l’émission “Quotidien” de Yann Barthes sur TMC et TF1.