Les Immortels, la Blue Team, listes et répertoires de champions, Omar Shariff, Paul Soloway, Barry Crane, Hervé Mouiel …etc
The All Time Greats

Pierre Albarran 1983-1960

Giorgio Belladona 1923-1995

Bob Crosby 1947-2012 – His web site

Lynn Deas USA

Richard Freeman 1933-2009

Edgar Kaplan USA

Maria Teresa Lavazza Italie

Rixi Markus 1910-1992

Jean Jacques Palau France

Patrice Piganeau France

Rokia Poizat France

Tim Seres 1925-2007

Spingold Winners From 1934 to 2007

Alan Truscott 1925-2005
Blue Team 1962 – Crédit Photos David Mervin Key

Blue Team World Chamions 1968
Autres listes de champions
Bridge Great on BridgeGuys
Famous Players by Jeff Tang
Women Stars on WBF
ACBL Hall of Fame
Bridge Great by Mel Colchamiro
List of Bridge people on Wikipedia
52 meilleurs joueurs canadiens
The setting trick by John McAllister