Championne du Monde

Sabine Auken interview on Eurobridge 2001
Interview on neapolitan club : Five queens for a ostenda’s throne 2010
In the Well by Sabine Auken 2013 on bridge winners
Le Palmares de Sabine Auken sur la Gazetta
Dragon Bine on Joefri Page
I love this game by Sabine Auken
The Rocky Road to Templeogue by Sabine Auken,
published in Honolulu NABC Bulletin November 06
Morton’s Fork played by Sabine Auken , Venice Cup 1995
What it was like at my major event by Sabine Auken
My partner by Sabine Auken 2011
Convention card 2011 Auken Von Arnim
Convention Card with Roy Welland 2017
Video Sabine in action from Tromso 7th European Open Championships Juillet 2015