vg|BBO1-2016EBTC,O-RR19,I,1,16,FRANCE,0,ISRAEL,0| rs|6SS=,5HN=,3NE=,3NE+2,4SN+1,4SN+1,3NS-3,3NSx-4,5DWx-3,4SS=,1NW-1,1NW-1,4SW=,4SW+1,4HW+3,6HW+1,4HN-4,4HN-1,1NE+2,1NE+2,3CN=,4SN+1,4HS+3,2SN=,3NN+2,3NN+2,5CE-1,5CWx-1,3HE-2,3HE-2,2HS=,3CN-1| pn|QUANTIN,BAREL,LORENZINI,ZACK,LEVIN,VOLCKER,ROLL,BESSIS|pg|| qx|o1|st||md|3SAKJ6542HJ753DK9C,ST7HADQJ732CKQJ63,SQ9HQT986DAT6CA82,S83HK42D854CT9754|sv|o|nt|vugraphzam: and here we go|pg|| mb|1H|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: 5@H and 5@S good here for NS|pg|| mb|2S!|nt|vugraphzam: EW may contest in minors|pg|| mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: 5@C and 5@D looks like 3 down at least, maybe 4 on a minor ruff|pg|| mb|3S|mb|p|mb|4C|mb|p|nt|runnerup: south has genuine support but a good side suit so he migth see even ruff possibilityes if parner has many @s ,,but also other way ..|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: but seems EW remain silent|pg|| mb|4D|mb|p|nt|Walddk2: Running scores at|pg|| mb|5C|mb|p|nt|runnerup: ruff to ew direction ,,better still stop on this level|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: Hi all and welcome back to Round 19 of the European Open Teams Chship in Budapest. This round is between the 1st placed France and 10th placed Israel.|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: hi Markku, good to have you here!|pg|| mb|6C|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: 6M seems to have no play|pg|| mb|6S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|aurora: We have voice commentary in this room thanks Walddk2 – Roland Waldand Mayors – Graham Osborne. Login by , click on the yellow link “Click to Play or Watch Bridge”, join the table and “Start listening”.|pg|| nt|aurora: live video for this room|pg|| nt|runnerup: irst wrong valuation ,,2 solid losers|pg|| nt|aurora: Running score|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: looks like it will be a 11IMP swing for Israel|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: W thinking a lot, he doesnt know it makes no difference what he leads... as long as it isnt a small @D of course|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: wrong, even small @D would be ok|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|vugraphzam: I am told Barel is known to be a slow player|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d4|pc|dK|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s7|pc|s9|pc|s3|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sT|pc|sQ|pc|s8|pg|| pc|hQ|nt|vugraphzam: declarer trying to sneak by a @H trick|pg|| nt|runnerup: @h Q and thinking|pg|| pc|h2|nt|yuval10: hi all|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: I didnt see what E played here..|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|c1|st||md|3SAKJ6542HJ753DK9C,ST7HADQJ732CKQJ63,SQ9HQT986DAT6CA82,S83HK42D854CT9754|sv|o|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|3N!|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|5D|mb|p|nt|ritong: un accident évitable, surement|pg|| mb|5H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|h2|pc|h3|pc|hA|pc|h6|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c4|pc|s2|pg|| pc|h8|pc|hK|mc|11|pg|| qx|o2|st||md|4SJT97HKQ87DA84CK4,SA2HT6432D752CA87,S8643HJ95DT3CQ652,SKQ5HADKQJ96CJT93|sv|n|mb|1D|mb|d|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|2C|mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|nt|yuval10: good start for the Israeli team nontheless|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: From the mood I am guessing he played small|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sJ|nt|runnerup: 3nt is on cards 4 losers if @h lead |pg|| nt|runnerup: 3+1+4+1|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s4|pc|s5|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d3|pc|dQ|nt|runnerup: what 3nt makes always|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: I apologise - seems he covered the @HQ in the previous board. So 6@S making|pg|| nt|runnerup: you cant be serious|pg|| pc|d4|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: indeed I am.|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d8|pc|d5|pc|dT|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dA|pc|d7|pc|s3|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h2|pc|h9|pc|hA|pg|| pc|d9|pc|s7|pc|h3|pc|s8|pg|| pc|d6|pc|sT|pc|c7|nt|yuval10: pfff....|pg|| pc|c2|pg|| pc|sK|pc|s9|pc|s2|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|h8|pc|h4|pc|h5|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c4|pc|cA|mc|9|pg|| qx|c2|st||md|4SJT97HKQ87DA84CK4,SA2HT6432D752CA87,S8643HJ95DT3CQ652,SKQ5HADKQJ96CJT93|sv|n|nt|ritong: mais c était chaud|pg|| mb|1D|mb|d|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|2C|nt|ritong: une bonne main pour le BW d exclusion|pg|| mb|p|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2N|nt|ritong: ça s est moins bien passé dans l autre salle|pg|| mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sJ|nt|aurora: Running score|pg|| pc|s2|nt|aurora: live video for this room|pg|| pc|s6|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|dK|pc|dA|pc|d2|pc|dT|pg|| nt|besbes: bonjour|pg|| nt|ritong: re michel|pg|| nt|ritong: l affaire s engage mal|pg|| nt|ritong: ça va s arranger|pg|| nt|ritong: je parle de la donne 1|pg|| nt|besbes: dernier match de la journée contre un équipe certes moins forte que les précédentes équipes d'Israel mais trés redoutable quand même|pg|| pc|s9|pc|sA|pc|s3|pc|s5|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d3|pc|d9|pc|d4|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c2|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|o3|st||md|1S65HKT8652DK3CQT7,ST82HAJ4DAJ92CJ32,SAKQJ943H93DQCAK8,S7HQ7DT87654C9654|sv|e|nt|vugraphzam: so the 11IMPs were correct, but they go the other way.|pg|| mb|2D!|mb|p|mb|2N|mb|p|nt|yuval10: NS should be careful not to bid over 4@s here|pg|| mb|3D!|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: 3@D: @H, not minimum|pg|| nt|yuval10: N can imagine a slam here against AK@h Q@c|pg|| nt|yuval10: does 3@d gives any indication regarding the @d suit? probably not|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: S wrote only "@H, not minimum"|pg|| mb|3S|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|c6|nt|vugraphzam: let me clarify things regarding the first board. E covered the @HQ, hence 6@S made. So 11 to France|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cJ|pc|cA|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s7|pc|s5|pc|s2|pg|| pc|sK|pc|d4|pc|s6|pc|s8|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|d5|pc|h2|pc|sT|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|d6|pc|d3|nt|yuval10: making an overtrick here so no swing|pg|| nt|runnerup: enougth for game was this Jxxxxxx,A109x ,x,x |pg|| nt|runnerup: north had AKDxx,xx,xxx,AQx |pg|| pc|dA|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c8|pc|c5|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d2|pc|h3|pc|d7|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|c3|st||md|1S65HKT8652DK3CQT7,ST82HAJ4DAJ92CJ32,SAKQJ943H93DQCAK8,S7HQ7DT87654C9654|sv|e|mb|2H!|mb|p|nt|ritong: une autre main ou il manque plusieurs cartes importantes|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: et roll préfère ne pas s aventurer|pg|| nt|besbes: plutôt bien jugé |pg|| nt|ritong: oui|pg|| pc|d8|nt|ritong: en meme temps il faut entamer @h pour battre 5@s pas lumineux|pg|| pc|d3|nt|besbes: vert contre rouge il pourrait être en gros danger au palier de5|pg|| nt|ritong: yes, et on connait l adage de paul chemla|pg|| pc|d9|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s7|pc|s5|pc|s2|pg|| pc|sK|pc|d4|pc|s6|pc|s8|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|d5|nt|ritong: si le grand chelem est totalement exclu, évitez le palier de 5|pg|| pc|h2|pc|sT|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h7|pc|hK|pc|hA|pg|| nt|besbes: ah bon|pg|| mc|11|nt|ritong: ça fait sens, je trouve|pg|| pg|| qx|o4|st||md|2SA6HKQ7DAQ75CJ943,S97HAJT863D964CKT,SJ85H5DKJ82CQ8652,SKQT432H942DT3CA7|sv|b|nt|vugraphzam: good result for France in the closed room|pg|| nt|runnerup: how ablout this 3nt x-4 1100|pg|| mb|2D!|mb|p|nt|yuval10: the X from East asked for a @s lead|pg|| mb|3H|nt|yuval10: and the def. took all 8 tricks it can|pg|| nt|yuval10: perhaps we'll duplicate it here|pg|| mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|yuval10: nope|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h5|pc|h2|pc|hQ|pg|| nt|runnerup: great or not 8 also here|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d4|pc|d2|pc|d3|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|yuval10: N in the other table could XX for minors...but he had quite a good hand so might believe 3NT will actually make|pg|| pc|d6|nt|runnerup: ok -3 |pg|| pc|d8|pc|dT|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d9|pc|dJ|pc|s3|pg|| pc|dK|pc|s4|pc|d7|pc|s9|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cA|pc|c3|pc|cT|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hK|pc|hA|pc|c5|pg|| pc|hT|pc|c6|pc|h4|pc|h7|pg|| pc|h8|pc|s5|pc|sK|pc|c4|pg|| pc|h6|pc|s8|pc|s2|pc|c9|pg|| pc|h3|pc|sJ|pc|c7|pc|s6|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c8|pc|sT|pc|cJ|pg|| pc|s7|pc|cQ|pc|sQ|pc|sA|pg|| pg|| qx|c4|st||md|2SA6HKQ7DAQ75CJ943,S97HAJT863D964CKT,SJ85H5DKJ82CQ8652,SKQT432H942DT3CA7|sv|b|mb|2H|nt|ritong: non?|pg|| nt|besbes: mouais|pg|| nt|ritong: heh genre pas convaincu|pg|| mb|p|mb|3H|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|d|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: oula|pg|| nt|besbes: un petit contre à l'amitié|pg|| nt|ritong: grosse modif au tableau de score|pg|| pc|s9|nt|ritong: apparemment 6@s a été accordé|pg|| nt|besbes: il a bien amené son coup |pg|| nt|ritong: pour une raison que j ignore pour le moment, 6@s -1 est devenu 6@s faits a la donne 1|pg|| nt|besbes: il est malin c'est mon bébé :)|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sT|pc|sA|pc|s7|pc|s5|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d4|pc|d2|pc|dT|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d6|pc|dK|pc|d3|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|h2|pc|d7|pc|d9|pg|| pc|d8|pc|h4|pc|dQ|nt|ritong: :)|pg|| pc|h8|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cK|pc|c2|pc|c7|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cQ|pc|cA|pc|c3|pg|| mc|5|pg|| qx|o5|st||md|3SKJT964HA83D8CA54,SQHQJ2DAJ9752CQ72,SA853HT74D43CKJ86,S72HK965DKQT6CT93|sv|n|mb|p|mb|p|nt|yuval10: par result seem to be 5@s = here|pg|| mb|2S|mb|3D|nt|yuval10: EW has a decent save of -500 against 4@s|pg|| mb|4S|nt|yuval10: looks likely that E will bid it now|pg|| mb|5D|nt|runnerup: it is 300|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: well bid by EW|pg|| mb|d|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|sA|pc|s2|pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|Walddk2: Running scores at|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c3|pc|cA|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c5|nt|yuval10: as i said, 500|pg|| pc|c7|pc|cJ|pc|c9|pg|| pc|cK|pc|cT|pc|c4|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s7|pc|sK|nt|yuval10: so few imps comming Israel's way. 3 to be exact|pg|| mc|8|pg|| qx|c5|st||md|3SKJT964HA83D8CA54,SQHQJ2DAJ9752CQ72,SA853HT74D43CKJ86,S72HK965DKQT6CT93|sv|n|mb|p|mb|p|nt|besbes: sud aurait dû se sauver|pg|| mb|1S|mb|2D|nt|besbes: 5@d|pg|| nt|besbes: sur 2SA adverse 4@d sur 2@s|pg|| nt|ritong: on me glisse a l oreillette que, contrairement au claim initial, est aurait couvert la @h dame a la donne 1|pg|| mb|3H!|mb|4D|nt|ritong: le gros swing a donc changé de camp|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|dK|pc|d8|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h4|pc|h6|pc|h3|pg|| nt|besbes: 500 donc pas une affaire d'autant qu'il n'y a aucune chance de les voir surencherir|pg|| nt|besbes: ouf|pg|| pc|h2|nt|besbes: sorry private|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h9|pc|hA|pg|| nt|ritong: je me demandais d ou venait ce soulagement:)|pg|| pc|sK|pc|sQ|pc|s3|pc|s2|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|d2|pc|sA|pc|s7|pg|| pc|d4|pc|dQ|pc|s9|pc|d5|pg|| pc|h8|pc|hJ|pc|hT|pc|h5|pg|| nt|ritong: je me suis dit " tiens, son canasson vient de gagner a la photo":)|pg|| pc|c7|nt|besbes: non sombre journée hippique|pg|| nt|ritong: sorry, alors|pg|| pc|c8|pc|c9|pc|cA|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c2|pc|cJ|pc|c3|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|o6|st||md|4SA4HJT9DKQ83CJ632,SQJ8HK62D6CQT8754,S9763HA43DJT94CK9,SKT52HQ875DA752CA|sv|e|nt|vugraphzam: We have live video for all the rooms: go to |pg|| nt|vugraphzam: Two rounds ago Gawrys-Klukowski broke the tray in this room during a difficult bidding sequence. It has been replaced since.|pg|| mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: yes it was an accident, noone got angry or anything like that|pg|| pc|s7|pc|s2|pc|s4|pc|s8|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s3|pc|s5|pc|sA|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d6|pc|d4|pc|dA|pg|| pc|sK|pc|c3|pc|sJ|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sT|pc|c2|pc|c4|pc|s9|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h9|pc|hK|pc|hA|pg|| pc|d9|pc|d2|pc|dQ|pc|c5|pg|| pc|d8|pc|c7|pc|dT|pc|d5|pg|| pc|c9|pc|cA|pc|c6|pc|c8|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|hT|pc|h2|pc|h3|pg|| pc|h7|pc|hJ|pc|h6|pc|h4|pg|| mc|6|pg|| qx|c6|st||md|4SA4HJT9DKQ83CJ632,SQJ8HK62D6CQT8754,S9763HA43DJT94CK9,SKT52HQ875DA752CA|sv|e|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: @s7?|pg|| pc|dJ|nt|ritong: non|pg|| nt|besbes: logique entame |pg|| pc|dA|pc|d3|pc|d6|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s4|pc|sQ|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|s3|pc|s5|pc|sA|pg|| nt|besbes: une de chute je pense|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|s8|pc|d4|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d8|pc|c5|pc|d9|pc|d5|pg|| nt|besbes: il va appeler à @c|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d7|pc|dK|pc|c4|pg|| nt|besbes: le 4 de @d|pg|| pc|c6|pc|c8|pc|c9|pc|cA|pg|| pc|sT|pc|c3|nt|besbes: 6de @c j'ai pas la Dame|pg|| mc|6|pg|| qx|o7|st||md|1S9876H9542DKQ2C97,SKT432HAKQ7DA43C8,SQHT63DT75CAQ6532,SAJ5HJ8DJ986CKJT4|sv|b|nt|aurora: Running score:|pg|| nt|yuval10: playing the normal 4@s in the other room|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: seems 4@S is easy here since the @SQ drops|pg|| mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|1N|nt|aurora: Tomorrow on vugraph|pg|| mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|nt|yuval10: here 1NT can be 10-11 with 3 cards support |pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|nt|yuval10: and that's what E showed now|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|d5|nt|yuval10: same lead as in the CR|pg|| pc|d8|pc|dQ|nt|vugraphzam: now likely +1 as his @D loser will go away|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: long think by Barel|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: the room is silent, only the players' (and my!) tummy is rumbling|pg|| pc|d4|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dA|pc|d7|pc|d6|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sQ|pc|sA|pc|s6|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|c2|pg|| pc|s5|pc|s8|pc|sT|pc|c3|pg|| pc|sK|pc|h3|pc|c4|pc|s9|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h6|pc|hJ|pc|h2|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h4|pc|hA|pc|hT|pg|| pc|hK|pc|c5|pc|d9|pc|h5|pg|| pc|hQ|mc|10|pg|| qx|c7|st||md|1S9876H9542DKQ2C97,SKT432HAKQ7DA43C8,SQHT63DT75CAQ6532,SAJ5HJ8DJ986CKJT4|sv|b|mb|p|mb|1S|nt|ritong: une main délicate|pg|| mb|p|mb|2N!|mb|p|mb|3H|nt|besbes: pas tant que ça|pg|| nt|ritong: j essaie d entretenir le suspense|pg|| nt|besbes: 2SA plein de possibilités|pg|| mb|p|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|besbes: dont le standard|pg|| mb|p|nt|ritong: effectivement, on a pas transpiré|pg|| pc|d5|nt|besbes: donne apéro|pg|| nt|ritong: 11 levées rapides|pg|| nt|ritong: éventuellement 12|pg|| nt|ritong: mais nord devrait expliquer a son partenaire quoi faire apres le @d|pg|| pc|d8|pc|dQ|pc|dA|pg|| nt|ritong: il n est pas totalement exclu que sud ait @d KQ107|pg|| nt|besbes: plus sympa par paires ce coup|pg|| pc|s2|pc|sQ|pc|sA|pc|s6|pg|| nt|ritong: la ça va tout de suite mieux|pg|| pc|sJ|pc|s7|pc|s3|pc|c2|pg|| pc|s5|pc|s8|pc|sT|pc|c3|pg|| pc|sK|pc|h6|pc|c4|pc|s9|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d7|pc|d9|pc|dK|pg|| nt|besbes: et ...suspense terrible|pg|| nt|ritong: oui|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c8|pc|cA|pc|cT|pg|| nt|besbes: bravo|pg|| nt|ritong: bien ouej|pg|| nt|aurora: Running score:|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|o8|st||md|2SA852HQ64D985C652,S94HKJT2DAK64CA94,SKJ763HDQJT732CQJ,SQTHA98753DCKT873|sv|o|nt|vugraphzam: We have live video for all the rooms: go to |pg|| nt|vugraphzam: Running score:|pg|| mb|1N|nt|yuval10: another tough board here for the Israeli team, EW has 2 @s losers but they both gone after the Q@d lead|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: W and S laughing, E asks "are you laughing about board No. 1?" :)|pg|| mb|2S!|nt|yuval10: they're all very profesional and take even bad boards in stride|pg|| mb|4D!|nt|yuval10: 4@d probably texas trf|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: 4@D explained on both sides as hearts|pg|| mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: S considered 4@S, but decided to let go of it|pg|| pc|dQ|pc|sT|pc|d5|pc|dA|pg|| nt|yuval10: so 13 tricks here too but 11 imps for France|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|yuval10: the 2nd 22 imps swing hand they've won this match|pg|| pc|d2|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h6|pc|hT|pc|s3|pg|| pc|hK|pc|d3|pc|h5|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d7|pc|sQ|pc|d8|pg|| pc|cA|pc|cJ|pc|c3|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cQ|mc|13|pg|| qx|c8|st||md|2SA852HQ64D985C652,S94HKJT2DAK64CA94,SKJ763HDQJT732CQJ,SQTHA98753DCKT873|sv|o|nt|aurora: Tomorrow on vugraph|pg|| mb|1N|mb|2S!|mb|3D!|nt|ritong: une main tres violente, a premiere vue|pg|| mb|3S|mb|4H|nt|besbes: @s et mineur 3@d texas|pg|| nt|besbes: il faut dire 4@s on peut les pousser |pg|| mb|4S|mb|5C|nt|ritong: voire les faire|pg|| mb|p|mb|5D|nt|besbes: même si ici ça sert à rien|pg|| mb|p|mb|5H|nt|ritong: il devrait pêcher les @cs, apres la chicane a @h|pg|| nt|besbes: ils vont trouver l'entame|pg|| mb|p|mb|6H|nt|ritong: oups|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: en meme temps, il peut essayer l arme secrète|pg|| nt|besbes: aie |pg|| nt|ritong: mais 5@d n est pas rassurant, pour lui|pg|| nt|besbes: un peu indiscipliné|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|ritong: ouffff|pg|| nt|ritong: chaud|pg|| pc|sT|pc|d5|pc|dA|pg|| pc|h2|pc|s3|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h6|pc|hJ|nt|besbes: il a fait confiance à Fred pas à Thomas|pg|| pc|d3|pg|| pc|hK|pc|d2|pc|h5|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|dK|pc|d7|pc|sQ|pc|d8|pg|| pc|cA|pc|cJ|pc|c3|pc|c2|pg|| mc|13|pg|| qx|o9|st||md|3SAT5HKQDQT943CQ32,S63H9DAKJ75CKT864,SKJ974HAT7642D6C9,SQ82HJ853D82CAJ75|sv|e|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|p|mb|1H|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: W fiddling with the French convention card - it just wont remain standing|pg|| mb|3S|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|yuval10: will N finds the Q@s here?|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c2|nt|vugraphzam: well he does have his glasses on|pg|| pc|c8|pc|c9|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c3|pc|c4|pc|h2|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h3|pc|hK|pc|h9|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|d5|pc|h6|pc|h5|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: long hearts at E so he may place long @S to W|pg|| pc|dT|pc|dJ|pc|d6|pc|d2|pg|| nt|yuval10: now he can place W with KJ @d at least|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: little exploratory play, trying to get more information|pg|| pc|cK|pc|h7|pc|c5|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h8|pc|d3|pc|c6|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s2|pc|sA|pc|s3|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s6|pc|s7|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|yuval10: down 4|pg|| mc|6|pg|| qx|c9|st||md|3SAT5HKQDQT943CQ32,S63H9DAKJ75CKT864,SKJ974HAT7642D6C9,SQ82HJ853D82CAJ75|sv|e|nt|besbes: 7 c'était mieux :)|pg|| nt|ritong: t as vu comment je t ai contre corbaqué|pg|| nt|ritong: "ils vont trouver l entame" meme pas en reve:)|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|2C|mb|2H|mb|3C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|3S|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|besbes: note technique moyenne quand même tout chauvinisme mis à part|pg|| nt|ritong: bon, ça fait deux coups de l espace|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c2|pc|c4|pc|c9|pg|| nt|ritong: on va s asseoir dessus, peut etre et revenir a de meilleurs contrats|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|cQ|pc|cK|pc|h2|pg|| pc|h4|pc|h3|pc|hK|pc|h9|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|c6|pc|h6|pc|h5|pg|| pc|s5|pc|s3|pc|s9|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|c7|pc|c3|mc|9|pg|| qx|o10|st||md|4SKH7643DQJT7CAK75,ST973HJTDA943CQ43,SQ8642HK85D85C862,SAJ5HAQ92DK62CJT9|sv|b|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dQ|nt|yuval10: had E led the somewhat natural 8@d, perhaps was easier for declarer to figure out the @s's|pg|| nt|yuval10: operator do you know why the official score is different? they show 27:14 France|pg|| nt|yuval10:|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d5|pc|dK|pg|| nt|yuval10: it showed that the 6@h on board 8 was down 1, which isn't likely considering the Q@d lead|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dT|pc|d4|pc|d8|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: so the difference is in the closed room?|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|c9|pg|| pc|d6|nt|yuval10: yes the official score shows that 6@h was down 1 on board 8|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d9|pc|s2|pg|| pc|dA|pc|s4|pc|s5|pc|dJ|pg|| nt|yuval10: it's NOT about the 1st board so you can stop sending me messages about it|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|h5|pc|h2|pc|h3|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h8|pc|h9|pc|h4|pg|| pc|s3|pc|s6|pc|sA|pc|sK|pg|| nt|yuval10: all according to the (un)official score|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c10|st||md|4SKH7643DQJT7CAK75,ST973HJTDA943CQ43,SQ8642HK85D85C862,SAJ5HAQ92DK62CJT9|sv|b|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|dQ|nt|ritong: mort correct, cartes favorables|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d5|pc|dK|pg|| pc|d6|nt|ritong: je dirais neuf plis|pg|| pc|dT|pc|d4|pc|d8|pg|| nt|besbes: on gratte|pg|| nt|ritong: ça compte|pg|| nt|ritong: cher, même|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c3|pc|c2|pc|c9|pg|| nt|besbes: bon retour|pg|| nt|ritong: oui|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d7|pc|d9|pc|c6|pg|| pc|dA|pc|s2|pc|s5|pc|dJ|pg|| pc|hT|pc|h5|pc|h2|pc|h3|pg|| pc|hJ|pc|hK|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h6|pc|cQ|pc|h8|pg|| pc|h9|pc|h7|pc|c4|pc|s4|pg|| pc|sA|pc|sK|pc|s3|pc|s6|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|o11|st||md|1ST987543HQ8D6CA86,SK2HJ64DKJT972C95,SJHA975DA54CKQJT2,SAQ6HKT32DQ83C743|sv|o|nt|vugraphzam: I will try to find out, bear with me for a sec|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|2C|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|nt|yuval10: the 1NT opening with a singelton in the CR paid dividends here for the Israelis|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: I am trying to message the operator in the closed room. I will let you know when and what he replies.|pg|| nt|yuval10: E couldn't have figure out N's distribution and crash his Partner's K|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: board 10 is also different in the official score the players entered into the bridgemate. In both cases I am inclined to believe that our score is the correct one|pg|| mb|2N|mb|p|mb|3C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|c4|pc|cA|pc|c5|pc|c2|pg|| pc|d6|pc|d2|pc|dA|pc|d3|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d8|pc|c6|pc|d7|pg|| pc|hQ|pc|h4|pc|hA|pc|h2|pg|| pc|d5|pc|dQ|pc|c8|pc|d9|pg|| pc|h8|pc|h6|pc|h5|pc|hT|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: we believe official score is wrong, and this 38-7 is correct. We will check again carefully after the match|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s3|pc|s2|pc|sJ|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s4|pc|sK|pc|cT|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c3|pc|s5|pc|c9|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|c7|pc|s7|pc|dT|pg|| pc|h7|pc|h3|pc|s8|pc|hJ|pg|| mc|9|pg|| qx|c11|st||md|1ST987543HQ8D6CA86,SK2HJ64DKJT972C95,SJHA975DA54CKQJT2,SAQ6HKT32DQ83C743|sv|o|mb|p|mb|p|mb|1N|mb|p|mb|4D!|mb|d|mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|d3|nt|ritong: @d9|pg|| pc|d6|nt|ritong: pour savoir qui a la dame|pg|| pc|d9|pc|dA|pg|| nt|ritong: et la ça devient tendu|pg|| pc|d4|pc|d8|pc|s3|pc|d2|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s2|pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pg|| nt|ritong: on a aucune idée du nombre de @ss du déclarant|pg|| nt|ritong: et donc sauter sur le @sK est tres difficile|pg|| nt|besbes: il fallait mettre le Roi de @s|pg|| nt|besbes: on est cuit|pg|| nt|ritong: le bridgemate annonce 27/14|pg|| nt|ritong: la fameuse donne 1 surement|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s5|pc|sK|pc|d5|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|o12|st||md|2SHAK8764DJT53CT93,SAK7HQ2DK864CKJ65,SQT9865H953DA72CA,SJ432HJTDQ9CQ8742|sv|n|mb|1N|mb|2D|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|2S|mb|p|mb|3H|mb|p|mb|4H|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|yuval10: South took some chance here....|pg|| pc|sK|nt|yuval10: sometimes you find partner with a singelton in @h and you get X'd , here he found an optimal hand|pg|| nt|yuval10: 2 aces and 3 cards support |pg|| pc|s5|pc|s2|pc|h4|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c5|pc|cA|pc|c2|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s3|pc|h6|pc|s7|pg|| pc|c9|pc|c6|pc|h3|pc|c4|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s4|pc|h7|pc|sA|pg|| pc|cT|pc|cJ|pc|h5|pc|c7|pg|| nt|yuval10: can make all tricks now|pg|| pc|h9|pc|hT|pc|hA|pc|h2|pg|| pc|hK|pc|hQ|pc|d2|pc|hJ|pg|| mc|13|nt|yuval10: and does|pg|| pg|| qx|c12|st||md|2SHAK8764DJT53CT93,SAK7HQ2DK864CKJ65,SQT9865H953DA72CA,SJ432HJTDQ9CQ8742|sv|n|mb|1N|mb|2D!|mb|p|mb|2H|mb|p|nt|besbes: sur 2@d multi ça fait pas plaisir de dire 2@s|pg|| mb|2S|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|besbes: qu'il les joue|pg|| nt|ritong: :)|pg|| nt|ritong: bien fait!:)|pg|| nt|ritong: intervention évidente cependant|pg|| nt|besbes: eh oui on est peu de choses|pg|| pc|c2|nt|ritong: il y a une donne douteuse quant au score, je ne saurais affirmer si c est la 1 ou la 8|pg|| pc|c3|pc|cJ|pc|cA|pg|| pc|s9|nt|ritong: bon|pg|| pc|s2|pc|d3|pc|sK|pg|| nt|ritong: plutot que spéculer sur la véracité des informations transmises, on va essayer de suivre la partie:)|pg|| pc|c5|pc|s5|pc|c4|pc|c9|pg|| nt|ritong: et on verra a la fin ce que dit le bridgemate|pg|| pc|sQ|pc|s3|pc|h4|pc|sA|pg|| pc|cK|pc|s6|pc|c7|pc|cT|pg|| pc|s8|pc|sJ|pc|h6|pc|s7|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|h7|pc|c6|pc|d2|pg|| pc|c8|pc|d5|pc|d6|pc|d7|pg|| pc|d9|pc|dT|pc|dK|pc|dA|pg|| pc|sT|pc|s4|pc|dJ|mc|8|pg|| qx|o13|st||md|3SKT4HAQ8DQT7CKT95,SJ73HKJ76D9864CQ2,SQ9H95DAKJ53CA643,SA8652HT432D2CJ87|sv|b|nt|vugraphzam: N:"sorry for not bidding the slam", all laugh|pg|| mb|1N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s5|pc|s4|nt|vugraphzam: N when he sees dummy: "claim two down?" |pg|| pc|s7|pc|s9|pg|| pc|d3|pc|d2|pc|dQ|pc|d4|pg|| pc|d7|pc|d6|pc|dA|pc|h2|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c7|pc|c5|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c4|pc|c8|pc|c9|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|d9|nt|yuval10: claim 11, next|pg|| mc|11|pg|| qx|c13|st||md|3SKT4HAQ8DQT7CKT95,SJ73HKJ76D9864CQ2,SQ9H95DAKJ53CA643,SA8652HT432D2CJ87|sv|b|nt|ritong: qui, lui, est fiable dans la mesure ou les joueurs sont censés s accorder avant d entériner|pg|| mb|1N|mb|p|mb|3N|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|pc|s5|pc|s4|pc|sJ|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c8|pc|c5|pc|c2|pg|| pc|c3|pc|c7|pc|c9|pc|cQ|pg|| pc|d4|mc|11|nt|ritong: pour info nous sommes précisément a mi parcours du marathon|pg|| pg|| qx|o14|st||md|4SAKQ75HKQJ9DT7CJ5,SJ64HAT8743D5CA74,ST983H62DKQJ62C96,S2H5DA9843CKQT832|sv|o|mb|1C|mb|1S|mb|2H|nt|yuval10: NS bided to 4@s, which should go down 3 in an accurate defense. but EW took the phantom save to 5@c|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: We are aware that there are errors in the official result the players have entered. We will tell them to check the results carefully after the match.|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: I am not allowed to correct the results they have entered into the bridgemate, it is up to the players to notice their own mistakes.|pg|| mb|4N|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: same result as in closed room probably now|pg|| mb|5C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: well, almost. But no double|pg|| pc|sA|pc|s4|pc|s3|pc|s2|pg|| pc|c5|pc|c4|pc|c9|pc|cT|pg|| pc|dA|pc|d7|pc|d5|pc|d2|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dT|pc|c7|pc|d6|pg|| pc|s6|pc|s8|pc|c2|pc|s5|pg|| pc|d4|pc|s7|pc|cA|pc|dJ|pg|| mc|10|pg|| qx|c14|st||md|4SAKQ75HKQJ9DT7CJ5,SJ64HAT8743D5CA74,ST983H62DKQJ62C96,S2H5DA9843CKQT832|sv|o|nt|ritong: 18 matches joués sur 37|pg|| mb|p|mb|1S|mb|p|mb|3C!|mb|3N|an|minors|nt|besbes: il reste la majorité des matches durs|pg|| nt|besbes: Fred a bien fait de ne pas dire 2@h |pg|| nt|besbes: mais 5@c chute|pg|| nt|ritong: sa main ne devrait pas suffire pour 5@c|pg|| mb|4H|mb|p|nt|ritong: mais il est possible que 4@s gagnent, donc..|pg|| mb|4S|mb|p|nt|ritong: voyons ça|pg|| mb|p|mb|5C|nt|besbes: jouer atout après l'As de @s|pg|| mb|d|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: oui oui je sais que 4@s chutent je parle des éléments que volcker a pour décider|pg|| pc|c6|nt|besbes: il peut entamer atour directement|pg|| nt|besbes: il doit même|pg|| pc|c2|nt|ritong: oui, pour protéger ses @ds|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|cA|pg|| pc|d5|pc|d2|pc|dA|pc|d7|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dT|pc|c4|pc|d6|pg|| pc|hA|pc|h6|pc|h5|pc|h9|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h2|pc|c3|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|d4|pc|c5|pc|c7|pc|dJ|pg|| mc|10|nt|besbes: les @d 4 3 c'était bon|pg|| pg|| qx|o15|st||md|1ST62HQ4DAQ84CKQJ6,SJ54HKT6DT93CA432,SAK73H85DK72CT875,SQ98HAJ9732DJ65C9|sv|n|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|2H|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: two more boards today. Play will continue tomorrow at 10:00 CET|pg|| mb|3H|mb|p|mb|p|nt|aurora: Interview with Michael Barel - Israel Coach & Player|pg|| mb|p|pc|cK|nt|vugraphzam: Thank you all for joining, and special thanks to Yuval for his great commentary|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c8|pc|c9|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h5|pc|hA|pc|h4|pg|| nt|ritong: yuval, what is your evaluation about the actual score?|pg|| pc|h2|pc|hQ|pc|hK|pc|h8|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s3|pc|s9|pc|sT|pg|| nt|yuval10: from the operator's comments and the player's behaviour it seem like the score here is correct|pg|| nt|ritong: oh|pg|| mc|7|nt|vugraphzam: I agree with Yuval|pg|| nt|ritong: because there is a lot of hanky panky about slams made or not|pg|| pg|| qx|c15|st||md|1ST62HQ4DAQ84CKQJ6,SJ54HKT6DT93CA432,SAK73H85DK72CT875,SQ98HAJ9732DJ65C9|sv|n|mb|1C|mb|p|mb|1S|mb|2H|mb|p|mb|3H|nt|besbes: dur dur pour Roll|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: obligé de jeter l éponge|pg|| nt|besbes: bien décidé4|pg|| mb|p|pc|cK|pc|cA|pc|c8|pc|c9|pg|| pc|c2|pc|c7|pc|h2|pc|c6|pg|| nt|ritong: ce qu il y a de bien avec la video, cest qu on peut choper les bandits, et aussi vérifier si bridgemate est contesté|pg|| nt|ritong: donc, pas d inquiétude|pg|| pc|h3|pc|h4|pc|hK|pc|h5|pg|| nt|besbes: JCQ a reparlé sur 2@s avec chicane et ils ont déclaré 4@h|pg|| pc|h6|pc|h8|pc|h9|pc|hQ|pg|| pc|cJ|pc|c3|pc|c5|pc|hJ|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|dQ|pc|d3|pc|d2|pg|| nt|besbes: sur l'intervention par 2@d multi|pg|| nt|ritong: vi|pg|| pc|sT|mc|7|pg|| qx|o16|st||md|2SKT54HAKJT75D82CK,SAJ963H832DT75C64,S72H96DK63CAJT953,SQ8HQ4DAQJ94CQ872|sv|e|nt|ritong: among others|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|mb|1D|mb|1H|mb|1S|mb|2C|mb|p|nt|vugraphzam: we will tell them to double check their scores after the match is over|pg|| mb|2H|mb|p|nt|yuval10: last hand of the day, we'll wait for the official scores, but it looks like a big win for France|pg|| mb|p|mb|p|pc|d5|nt|ritong: well, don t get me wrong my question was not vicious|pg|| pc|d3|pc|dJ|pc|d8|pg|| nt|ritong: as they usually are:)|pg|| nt|yuval10: sure Henri, even now i get some PM about how the official scores is right and not the score here|pg|| pc|s8|pc|s5|nt|ritong: yeah in any case there is always the video to check things out if needed|pg|| nt|yuval10: but i'll put my money over 50:17 nontheless|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: appreciate your trust in me Yuval :)|pg|| nt|ritong: i buy that|pg|| pc|s3|nt|yuval10: 2 hands that produced 44 imps swing made the difference here|pg|| pc|s2|pg|| pc|sQ|nt|yuval10: declarer needs to duck this too|pg|| nt|aurora: Many thanks to all commentators for sharing with us your experience, to the operator and to the kibitzers. See you tomorrow. Wish you all a great evening|pg|| pc|s4|nt|yuval10: and he does|pg|| nt|vugraphzam: thank you all for the kind words, see you tomorrow morning at 10:00 CET! :)|pg|| pc|s9|pc|s7|pg|| pc|h4|nt|ritong: you do great, zsolt|pg|| pc|h5|pc|h8|pc|h9|pg|| nt|yuval10: declarer knows all the cards now, like playing double-dummy for him|pg|| pc|h6|pc|hQ|pc|hA|nt|yuval10: will draw trumps, K@c to the A and J@c ducks|pg|| pc|h2|pg|| pc|hK|pc|h3|pc|c3|pc|c2|pg|| pc|hJ|nt|yuval10: eventually East will have no answer|pg|| pc|s6|pc|c5|pc|d4|pg|| nt|yuval10: so 4 more imps to France and a 37 imps win |pg|| pc|hT|pc|d7|pc|c9|pc|dQ|pg|| pc|h7|nt|yuval10: the official score corrected board 8 but they have a new problem with board 10, they scored 1NT +2 twice for the French team|pg|| nt|ritong: the hideous hog would not do better:)|pg|| nt|yuval10: when they'll correct it and deduce 7 imps from France, the official score would be correct too|pg|| pc|c4|pc|cT|nt|ritong: let s deal 30 imps|pg|| pc|c7|pg|| pc|cK|pc|c6|pc|cJ|pc|c8|pg|| pc|d2|pc|dT|pc|dK|pc|dA|pg|| pc|d9|pc|sT|pc|sJ|pc|d6|pg|| pc|cQ|pc|sK|pc|sA|pc|cA|pg|| nt|ritong: merci a tous|pg|| pg|| qx|c16|st||md|2SKT54HAKJT75D82CK,SAJ963H832DT75C64,S72H96DK63CAJT953,SQ8HQ4DAQJ94CQ872|sv|e|nt|besbes: respect pour les interventions vul et jouer positif|pg|| mb|p|mb|3C|mb|p|mb|p|mb|p|nt|ritong: wow|pg|| pc|dQ|nt|besbes: une bonne manche qui chute|pg|| nt|ritong: tom se paie une petite gaufre|pg|| nt|ritong: mal tombé|pg|| pc|d2|pc|d5|pc|dK|pg|| nt|besbes: c'est une entame responsable|pg|| nt|besbes: c'est rare que l'ouvreur ait le Roi|pg|| nt|ritong: en effet|pg|| nt|ritong: c est une impasse a deux chances sur trois|pg|| nt|besbes: voilà|pg|| nt|ritong: soit au mort, soit chez le partenaire|pg|| pc|s2|pc|s8|pc|sK|pc|sA|pg|| pc|c6|nt|besbes: et quel plaisir si le déclarant ne passe pas le Roi du mort|pg|| pc|c3|nt|ritong: on est peu de chose:)|pg|| pc|c2|pc|cK|pg|| pc|s4|pc|s6|pc|s7|pc|sQ|pg|| pc|dJ|pc|d8|pc|d7|pc|d3|pg|| pc|dA|pc|h5|pc|dT|pc|d6|pg|| pc|d9|pc|h7|pc|s3|pc|c5|pg|| pc|cA|pc|c7|nt|besbes: pas d'uppercut|pg|| pc|s5|pc|c4|pg|| mc|8|nt|ritong: bon|pg|| nt|ritong: ainsi s achève notre apres midi dansante merci michel:) ty all|pg|| nt|besbes: merci à tous|pg|| nt|aurora: Many thanks to all commentators for sharing with us your experience, to the operator and to the kibitzers. See you tomorrow. Wish you all a great evening|pg|| pg||