Bravo aux nouvelles Championnes de France, Dames par paire. Une occasion de rendre hommage à un Partenariat de longue durée !
A voir , dans la partie Entraînement, les articles consacrés au Partenariat et à l’importance de ce facteur dans la réussite au Bridge. Il faut lire en particulier l’article du Champion américain, Larry Cohen, Partnership . Tout y est.
…It’s been said that one’s bridge partner can be as important as their marital partner. This saying might not score many points on Valentine’s Day, but it will win master points at the bridge table. Learning how to handle the relationship with your bridge partner will do more for your results than reading any technical book on the game. I don’t care if you know the name for every squeeze, and every form of Roman Keycard Blackwood–if your partnership is no good, you are at a big disadvantage…….
…. It may sound like an obvious and rudimentary lesson, but I cannot stress enough its importance. Very few people who are reading these words are able to behave at the table. We all have emotions, and they can be tough to control. If you promise yourselves right now to try to change, you’ll put your bridge career on the express train to success. Your partner(s) will appreciate you, and will consequently play better. When they can play without fear of criticism or retribution they’ll give you their A-game. You in turn will be in good spirits, and give them your A-game. Furthermore, it makes for a friendlier and more enjoyable atmosphere for you and everyone else that’s playing
…… I can’t say it enough, so I’ll say it again. You’ve got to keep your partner happy, especially during the session. Whatever it takes, remember to keep a smile on your face, and a pleasant attitude. Do not accuse, yell at, frown at, complain to, criticize, castigate, disparage, abuse, ridicule, sneer at, or mock your partner. Try to be comforting, supportive, compassionate, encouraging, reassuring, sympathetic and understanding. This might sound simple, but it’s not. It’s so easy to get hot under the collar, especially when things go wrong.
Et pour nous tous qui rêvons d’harmonie au Bridge, ne manquons pas l’invitation au voyage de Bernard Marcoux
…Oui, le paradis existe, la perfection aussi; mais ce n’est pas une main de bridge qui les crée; c’est vous et votre partenaire, lorsque vous êtes sur la même longueur d’ondes, lorsque vos pensées communiquent et que vous voyez les 52 cartes, et la séquence de jeu, et l’ordre des levées, celles qu’il faut prendre et celles qu’il faut laisser passer, et lors qu’il faut couper et lors qu’il faut défausser; à ce moment-là, vous formez une seule pensée, une seule réflexion, un seul être, une paire, et vous voyagez vers ce pays de Cocagne, ce “pays singulier, supérieur aux autres, comme l’art l’est à la Nature, où celle-ci est réformée par le rêve, où elle est corrigée, embellie, refondue.”

Partenariat, quelques articles ….
Partnership by Larry Cohen
L’importance du Partenariat sur le site du Club de Bridge de Viroflay
21 rules of being a good Partner by Marty Bergen PDF on Fith Chair
Stroking by Marc Lee
Know Thy Partner by Bob Crosby
Humanics by Bob Crosby or the primary reason why you lose at Bridge is not proper feeding and care of your Partner
Partnership and marriage by Larry Cohen
Partnership style by Larry Cohen
Play Nice by Peggy Kaplan
50 ways to lose your partner by Marilyn Hemenway
Brad’s Golden Rules on Partnership Management
Partners and winning at bridge by Ron Klinger PDF
My Partner by Sabine Auken, published on Bridgewinners.com
Partnership variability by Matthew Kidd
My Seven Deadly Partneship sins