Systèmes de Bridge

Systèmes de Bridge, Systèmes naturels, Acol, Trèfle fort,Précision, Forcing Pass, Systèmes peu connus, Systèmes français, Evaluation des mains


David Collier’s posts on Bidding systems and Theory
Le Choix d’un Système par Jean Pierre Roquafort
Typologie des enchères par Jean Pierre Roquafort
Interview de Thomas Bessis  a propos des systèmes, sur Big Bang Bridge,traduit et adapté par Daniel Delestre .
What is the bridge system that has most impressed you? by Barry Rigal on Bridge Winners

  “Mats Nilsland takes a look at everybody’s “standard system “ and shows how you can transform this natural base into an effective, modern bridge system.All ideas have been tested in real life successfully”

System archetypes by Greg Earnest 
Building a Bidding System, Book by Roy Hugh 
How complicated should your system be ? by Bob Crosby
Building a practical System by Liam Milne
How much has Bridge changed in 75 years by Jeremy Dondy
Construire et travailler son système avec le Partenaire Diaporama par Claire Martel à visionner sur You Tube
BridgeDocs BridgeDocs provides powerful tools for structured learning and collaborative bridge system development
A propos de Bridgedocs sur GreatBridgelinks
European Bridge league Systems policy
Bold by Phil Roquemore
The mission of Project BOLD is to develop an exciting new bidding system that dominates the modern bridge metagame,


 Systèmes- Systems

Why Four Card Majors ? by Marvin French 
Debate A strong Club system is much better than Acol by Jeremy Dondy and Chris Jagger on EBU December 2009
On the Structure of Natural Bidding System by Bert Beentjes
Naturel Bidding in Bridge, the sevenfold way by Johannes Koelman
What does Natural mean ? by David Collier
Les systèmes étrangers  par Alain Lévy Dossier As de Trèfle 
Systèmes artificiels sur Roquibridge
GIB: Steps Toward an Expert-Level Bridge-Playing Program Matthew L. Ginsberg
World Championship system Review by Glen Ashton . A fantastic work !
Everybody needs a coach by Krzyzstof Martens.
Norberto Bocchi, the Big Bang interview   Norberto talks about his bridge system and the importance of vulnerability

Systèmes naturels

Standard American Ancestors

Standard American Bridge par Richard Pavlicek

SAYC Standard American Yellow Card
System of choice for many novice players on the internet. Also used as a pickup system by many from around the world.

A Mini book on Standard American by Noble Shore
What’s Standard ? Is Standard American a myth by David Lindop
ACBL SAYC System Booklet
Standard American Yellow Card Revised and Expanded by Mark London Further Revised by Wayne Burrows (Jan 2007)

2 over one System
System very close to Standard American dates back to 1958 with Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone system . Edgar Kaplan and Alfred Sheinwold. followed with their own system. Features from the Roth-Stone system were also adapted to the 2/1 system we know today. from Bridge Hands

Roth Stone System developed by Alvin Roth and Tobias Stone in 1953 by Graeme Williams
Kaplan Sheinwold updated by Edgar Kaplan

2 over one System on Bridgehands
Unifying 2/1 GF by Larry Cohen
Improving 2 over one Game force by Fred Gitelman
2 over one Game force system by Neil H. Timm PDF
The Great 2 over one debate by Bob MacKinnon
Eastern Scientific by Richard Pavlicek . Quite similar to the Standard American, also known as Walsh system
Pavlicek System PDF
BWS  Bridge World Standard (BWS) encapsulates common American expert practices
Bridge Bulletin Standard
bidding system used by the panelists for It’s Your Call. It is loosely based on popular Standard American and 2/1 treatments commonly used by duplicate players in North America. It is more than SAYC, but less than a full-blown 2/1 system.


Acol Système d’enchères anglais
Standard English Acol
Acol Système d’enchères anglais par Michel Heger
Convertir l’Acol en SAYC par Michel Heger

Biedermeijer – Dutch Acol and Dutch Doubleton Compared to SAYC by Helene Thygesen on Bridgeguys

Autres systèmes naturels
Australian Bridge Standard on

EHAA or Every Hand An Adventure.From the late 50’s.
Agressive, natural style of bidding that combines mini notrump openings, wide-range weak two-bids, and a Goren-like four-card major approach into an easy, effective, and fun way to bid. It is not a highly specified system, but rather, like Standard American or Acol, a general style which can be played in numerous variations. Quoted from Eric Landau.

ETM Everything That Matters System by Glen Ashton
ETM adjustment to allow for a strong forcing one Heart opening by Glen Ashton
ETM Savage A Bidding system for Bridge Barbarians by Glen Ashton 
ETM Polar Club A top level Bridge System by Glen Ashton 
Finnish Standard Bidding System on Jukka Korpela’s Bridge Page
Romex Bidding System
Science Simply Scientific Four Card Majors 
Standard Dutch Bidding System, Now five cards Major by Tjoen Oei
We Bad, a scientific five cards major system played by Don Weiner and Dave Babcock

Fantoni_Nunes system by Daniel Neill
Simplified Fantunes

Ouverture de 2C Fantunes d’après Gérard Sauvet
Ouverture de 2P Fantunes d’après Gérard  Sauvet

Système d ‘enchères de précision

Precision Club, most common system used in the USA after Standard American and Two Over One first used on the international stage by the Taiwan national team in 1970. Following their success using the system in the 1970 and 1971 Bermuda Bowls, Precision exploded onto the world stage when the legendary Italian Blue Team adopted and refined it as Super-Precision. The Blue Team’s successes during the 1970’s using Precision brought the system prominence and prestige. Although its global popularity will never rival that of Standard American, 2-Over-1 or ACOL, it is generally reckoned to be more efficient that any of them and is the foremost Strong Club system in use today. Many modern experts, including multiple World Champions Jeff Meckstroff and Eric Rodwell use it as the basis of their system ….. from Oliver Clarke Precision Club page

Articles about the Precision Club Bidding system on
Precision and Super Precision  by Giorgio Belladona and Benito Garozzo from Tutto Bridge
Precision Bidding Today on Radha Verma ‘s Page
The Revision Club System 4th Ed. 2009 by John Montgomery